July 4, 2011


Friends VS FrENEMIES will be a battle until the world ends THRICE! 
 FrENEMIES are the easiest to come by and the quickest to accumulate! So many people are willing to "fake the funk" if they feel it benefits them! It should never be a "friend" that you have "just to go to the club with" or "just to shop with". 9 times out of 10, either you or the person is around for gossip or to collect info to gossip to other people. Keep in mind, FrENEMIES smile in your face and  be your BFF when you're with them, but when another crowd is around its "oh we ain't friends" or "we ain't cool like that" -____- PEOPLE PLEASE GET REAL! Friends are people who there no matter what circumstance! A death in the family or you hitting the lottery.
       I'm not saying "associates" don't exist. Of course they do. Associates/Comrades are people with connects for mutual interest. FrENEMIES are for personal gain! Don't confuse the two. A person who will most likely be a FrENEMY is a person who doesn't have/ can't keep friends, tell you info about a person they call a friend, says "we aren't friends" about the person the call "sis/bro" everyday OR have seasonal friends.I cant figure out for the life of me why these kind of people exist! Is it popularity? Is it Fame? Smh, my only suggestion is openly put them on blast. THEY HAVE TO BE STOPPED! Don't let the people mingle around you if they cant put forth what you are offering. Leaches turn into FrENEMIES. I think jealousy is the turning point. Who the hell knows but I do know, be careful, FrENEMIES are spreading at an alarming rate. They are contaminating every circle of friends! Have your "Bitch Please" spray ready when you see 1 coming!!! 


  1. The realist shit ever,please talk dat sh*t

  2. Well said! I'm sure people often confuse associate and frenemy and not even realize the person is using them either for gossip or to not be alone!
