June 11, 2011

"NIGGER"......my POV

Nigger is defined as: 1. a. black person b. member of any dark-skinned people; 2. person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc; 3. victim of prejudice similar to that suffered by blacks; person who is economically, politically, or socially disenfranchised..

Now def:1 is the most obvious! Black in English is derived from the word "negre" or "negro"! These words mean BLACK or dark color. Because the whites have never seen any color but their own, they called the Africans the color that they can relate to! Remember, Blacks were not just grabbed from their families as some people wanna depict! Many tribes leaders SOLD people for money for their village..... People complain about the Amistad! I'm not saying its right AT ALL! But think...there wasn't carnival cruise line then! They made do! U try feeding thousands of people! U already spent money paying for them..U can't afford to spend extra on lobster tails and caviar! I personally think if slaves were treated a lil better, we probably would have been enslaved way longer because the blacks wouldn't put up a fight! They would settle because what they wouldnt think that their situation isn't bad. They wouldn't have nothing to compare to. 
     Def:2 comes commonly because blacks weren't allowed to learn! So therefore they were ignorant. Ignorant in the sense of not knowing or lacking knowledge. They were considered inferior and thought they were unable to learn because of the stupidity that the slave owners spoke. I think white people thought that they were just supposed to operate without any guidence but fail to realize they had to be taught. They didn't want the blacks to learn to read because of the northern rights. The fear of them leaving was the ultimate fear.White people knew about investment but wasn't to bright on management. If a slave doesn't have food or water their body won't work! If their body's don't work then they can't work. If the masters provided adequate pay and food the slaves wouldn't want to rebel! But..... Because they were so selfish they were worried about getting all the profit instead of a % turn around. 
     Def:3 is because blacks had to build literally from nothing. So their living situation is economically the worst! Blacks provided what they could and went from there. What the whites fail to realize was that the blacks that survived the passage were the strongest! So genetically the blacks will pass that strength and endurance down from generation to generation. Now... Slowly but surely blacks realized that because they grew up in a certain lifestyle they don't have to be scared to change it! It was embedded in the slaves mind that this is their worth and they deserve nothing more. A child will grow up and pass this acceptance to their children. Nothing was given to blacks! Everything was done own our own. Some other races did help but it wasn't help to build us up it was help just to cover up what we were already in the process of doing. Def:2 says that its ignorance of ANY RACE! Go to a "ghetto" of white majority and call them a "nigger" and see the dumb face u get! As long as blacks give the word "nigger" a derogatory meaning, it will have one! If ur not BLACK or "ignorant" to life then don't answer to something ur not! Technically calling a white person WHITE is a racial slur! Their skin isn't white but that's the closest in color! I don't think NIGGER was taken out of context until people became so "anti-black" towards the end of slavery! They wanted to disown everything that was affiliated with slavery even their color! Black has the same origin in ever language! It will never change!!! As long as u try to seperate urself from ur color it will hold a negative meaning! We are all derived from a strong country in Africa! We are descendants of the strongest people!! How can u not be proud of that!! If someone call u a nigger accept it in pride! We are the best race! We built part of this country with our bare hands! Our woman raised the strongest kids! Why do u think some white woman buckle when they get a divorce?? They can't stand on their own! Black woman have been partially single moms since time began! The men were always gone extended periods of time working to help the family or sold to another plantation! Black woman know how to survive without help for a period of time! Its in our genes! U won't find white people saying "I'm not white I'm beige!" Or "I'm not white I'm peach" STOP saying "I'm not black I'm brown" or "I'm not black I'm red" ur not red either!!! Look at a crayon and look at u! Black wasn't described as a literal color it was resemblance! I know some Africans that will tell u that they don't like "african-american" culture! Ask them why! Black Americans focus so much on not being a "nigger" that their losing the authenticity! Being white isn't better! Being Latin isn't either! Black people are dying their hair, perming it, wearing FAKE everything just not to look like a "nigger"! Some even bleach their skin to be lighter! That's just ridiculous! Bleach! Really?? I'm a victim of my society but I don't let tv determine my lifestyle! Some people really need to wake up and realize they are a NIGGER, NEGRO what ever! Race was develop to seperate people! Deal with it! You are allowed to bubble whiteur race! Race doesn't mean shit! Its ur roots! The govt wants to label everything! I'm closes to black so I'm a nigger! It's what culture you choose to affiliate yourself with. I'm not gonna deny my color and blood! Dnt matter if ur from haiti, DR, canada, or Europe! Ur still black! We all originated in AFRICA! Egypt is in Africa! The location of our ancestors determined our skin color. So don't let the white people tell u that ur anything less than what u are! Ur a nigger! Be proud because niggers have come the farthest to be where we are!! Our struggle was long and hard! And its sad to see some people take the change to the extreme! U can't change ur blood just embrace it! If a dude call a chick a hoe who cares! She becomes the hoe when she answers to it! U are what u answer to! I'm a nigger! What about U??!

Remember dictionaries update by the social acceptance! So ignorance was when we were uneducated, and economically disenfranchised was added at the time when the blacks were lowest on the social status! But the original meaning is BLACK! All words and meanings change over time! Its up to us if it remains with a derogatory connotation!

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